“Was it a Koran? Was he preaching modesty or the right to beat your wife?”
[These comments online have become so normal. Just another day, another ignorant person, another message of misinformation. The perpetrators do not realize that by spreading baseless ideas, it does harm Read more [...]...
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3 wives and Pizza
[1 approaches a pizza joint and sees some young teenagers sitting outside the door.] 1: Hey! What's up! 2: Oh hey. How's it going? 1: Good. You? 2: Good. Is Zayd with you? 1: Nah Read more [...]...
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No wife
[Background: A girl who converted was looking for a husband. Initially, the sister of friend 1 informed them, but friend 1 rejected the idea of informing friend 2, but then later re-inquired. [11-30, Read more [...]...
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Ghar ki murgi dal barabar
1. I left all that. 2. Why man? The party scene. So many gyal and that. 1. No man trust me. I had girls all the time. 2. Yeah? 1. It's the environment, you know. But trust me, the love you get from Read more [...]...
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Scottish man meets the ideal wife
"Are you Albanian?" "No no. I'm Scottish." "Oh so you converted?" "Yes." "But there wasn't much material around at that time." "I've been a Muslim since the 50s, it wasn't so much about the material. Read more [...]...
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