Month: August 2015

Now make a wish…

1. “Now make a wish,” the man at Build-a-bear said. 2. I leaned in and whispered to the youngster, now make a Dua (instead)....
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Without faith, there’s no heaven. Amen.

Without faith, there's no heaven. Amen. Saw this in a work email. Religious connotations have made it into the corporate world. Well Judaeo-Christian religious conotations. You hear about keeping Read more [...]...
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Jamaican Somalian

1. Yes, we need some rich brothers, can you put me in touch? 2. [Laugh]. Bro I look poor, I don't know any rich people. 1. Walahee, sometimes people look poor but they are very rich. 2. True...walahee Read more [...]...
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That’s why I moved here

1. Yes brother, where you from? 2. Turkey. 1. [I detect a French accent] Are you serious? 2. Yes. 1. look 100% Moroccan...something North African maybe. 2. I am Turkish. 1. 100%? 2. Read more [...]...
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This girl in a hijab was giving this guy a $#$%#!

1. This girl in a hijab was giving this guy a $#$%#! 2. No bro... 1. I swear to God. My buddy, he's Afghan...straight up. 2. Serious? 1. Yep. 2. Wait, how do you know the word hijab? 1. Doesn't everyone? 2. Read more [...]...
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Where was Chaat-Papari born?

1. Where was Chaat-Papari born? 2. It wasn't born, it was invented. 1. Puppo says it was born in India. 2. Huh! It was made in Pakistan... [Searching for origin of Chaat-Papari. Seems like it's a dish Read more [...]...
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Many of my friends are Muslim

2. Your calligraphy is so good. Are you Muslim? 1. Many of my friends are Muslim...but I'm not Muslim. 2. Oh. So where are you from in France? 1. Nantes. In the west. 2. Is that near Marceille? 1. No. 2. Read more [...]...
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