Scottish man meets the ideal wife
Posted On September 18, 2014
“Are you Albanian?”
“No no. I’m Scottish.”
“Oh so you converted?”
“But there wasn’t much material around at that time.”
“I’ve been a Muslim since the 50s, it wasn’t so much about the material. I met my future wife in school and…”
“So you were like hmmm, what do I got to do to make this work.” [laugh]
“Well no, I asked her and she told me about Islam and I was like, what’s that and looked into it.”
“But didn’t it help when Cat Stevens became a Muslim in the 60s? I mean he’s white and so that would have helped you feel like you did the right thing?”
“I was a Muslim before Cat Stevens. I can be Cat Steven’s father. No, it didn’t matter to me if he converted. Islam was the choice for me and that was it.”