Of course we say Allah

[An older lady walks up to my window as I am leaving the mall, she seems pleasant in her facial expression. I lower the window…]
Excuse me, could you give me a ride. I just have to go down the street.
[There’s cars behind me as I look in the rear view. There isn’t much time to think.]
  Sure. I’ll just pull over there.
[We get to talking…]
  So where are you from?
  Iraq? Nice. You’re Christian?
  Oh I see. Sometimes people think I’m from Iraq.
Yes there are people of your skin colour as well. And some are brighter. It varies.
  Yeah. So if you read the Qur’an, would you understand it?
Sure. Of course.
Yes why not? I’m a native Arabic speaker. They teach Qur’an in school too.
  Oh. It’s too bad what’s going on over there.
Yes. We would never think these things would happen. We were all neighbours.
  This didn’t come out of no where. This all happened because of the invasion of Iraq.
Yes. It’s terrible.
  You guy’s say Allah right?
Sure. Of course we say Allah.
  So you say Allah in other words like Mashallah and Alhamdolillah?
Well we say Allah in a lot of words. Allah is Allah. He’s our God…