Spending time with Dad
Ever want to spend time with your father?
On your own will?
I can tell you going for a walk on a warm summer night telling jokes and talking about life is great to do.
A blessing as I whisper alhumdolillah under my breath as we talk.
I keep telling myself I got to capture Dad laughing to my jokes.
If you’d hear ’em, you might laugh too…turning something serious like getting axed from work, into jokes.
Dad laughed so much he passed some serious wind! And then we had to turn around because he said if he kept laughing, he’d have to go to the bathroom.
“Number 1?” I asked.
“Number 2!”
Oh oh. So we turned around.
We took the longer way on the way back home, Dad’s idea. Great! More time to talk.
“You should walk everyday,” Dad said. “In the morning, to breathe the fresh air. And at night.”
As we walked, I knew this was peace. All the noise of the world doesn’t matter.
If your dad is around, I recommend you spend time with him on a warm summer night. Try going for a walk if you can!
It was the first time in all these years, and I pray God Willing it won’t be the last…