I’ve never drank before
[Man having a minor confrontation with a drunk younger man]
[While coming in, I nod. He nod’s back while having that discussion.]
1. There’s lot’s of drunk people here eh.
2. Oh yeah.
1. Got to be careful.
2. Yes true. Are you drunk? [smile]
1. No man. I don’t drink!
2. Neither do I. Never touched a drink in my life.
1. Really? Are you Muslim?
2. No.
1. Common man, come to our side. [smile]
2. What side is that?
1. The Islamic side. The dark side.
2. We are all on the same side. Some people need to know that.
1. Are you Middle Eastern?…
2. No…
1. Ecuador?
2. No Honduras.
1. You could pass for Middle Eastern.
2. Yeah I know I get it all the time.
1. Nice. Why you never drank?
2. My father taught me. We’re 6 brothers. 4 of us never touched it.
1. You’re Christian?
2. [nod] Christian.
1. So why?
2. Because my father taught us there is nothing good that comes from it. You don’t need it to enjoy yourself. They day I was born was the day my dad quit and I’m the oldest.
1. Wow. Wicked story bro!